Midnight Hour is a rock band based out of Orange County, CA. This band is made up of Brad Lodge on piano and vocals, Tim Johnson on guitar, James Mitchell on guitar, Jared Mitchell on Bass, and Dan Ardis on drums. I have to say when I listened to this band's music, I half expected to hear another mundane round of drowned out vocals by too loud guitars with senseless lyrics. I was so WRONG. I was delightfully surprised when I clicked that play button on their music page. This band provides us with some refreshing songs that can lay proudly within the genre of Rock music.
Let me begin to tell you that there are six tracks up on Midnight Hour's music page. Usually, when I give bands a listen, I like half the tracks and feel they are worthy of sharing. Midnight Hour's playlist is not included in this such action. All six tracks currently available for a listen at www.myspace.com/midnighthourrock are all worthy of your time to sit and listen to them, as they are all masterfully written, mixed, and produced. Midnight hour does a Magnificent job at keeping all their tunes well balanced, and Brad Lodge's vocals are heartfelt,warm, and inviting.
I will list three of their songs that I love the most, and if you take the time to listen, if you are a fan of music, you will love them too.
"Running Away" is by far the best tune on the playlist. This song envelopes your heart with its sound and you can not help but feel the contraints of insecurity the group is singing about. Beautiful guitar, piano, and vocals that cry without whining. I absolutely love this tune.
"This is Where it Ends" is another of their beautiful tunes. This song has amazing composure. Produced and mixed in pure beauty. I love how Brad's vocals can call out to your heart and demand you to listen to his pain behind his lyrics. This is such a good band. I love this song!
"Queen Annie" This tune grabs at my heart. This song opens with an acoustic guitar and vocals tinged with beauty. Brad's vocals are so believable as he sings out to his love. This is such a beautiful song with masterful guitar, piano chords blending very well, all shadowing the vocals wonderfully. This is my favorite tune by Midnight Hour. The guitar alone sold me on this one. I love it and you will too.
Midnight Hour is a breath of fresh air when it comes to music. I absolutely love when I come across a band and I can loose myself in their music. Midnight Hour has an album coming out soon, I am told by Brad himself. So keep your eyes out for this release. Make sure you head over to www.myspace.com/midnighthourrock and listen to these guys. They are DEFINITELY worth the 20 minutes. Also make sure you watch their music page for release of their album information. You will not be disappointed in this band.
~DeEtta Marie
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sweedish Sounds of Today, Mates of Mine
There is a band, one that can lift your heart out of its lowest of moods with their compassionate, easy on the mind and ears sound. This band is Mates of Mine. This band is formed by Peter(vocals,guitar), Simon(bass), childhood friends since age six, joined with long time friends, Oskar(vocals, guitar) and final member Henrik (drums, percussion). This is another lovely unsigned Independent band providing the world with incredible, honest music. There can never be enough of this in the world and Mates of Mine are doing well to supply their portion of honest music to the appreciative listeners such as myself.
Mates of Mine are making wonderful pop/folk/acoustic music. Their ablilty to blend sounds and harmonize is very comforting to my ears. I just love their song "The Heart in all that Matters." In this song the lyrics and music deliver the message that you have too see through the superficial layers of people, and look at the true essence of who they are, their heart. The guitar cries its way through this song in such a touchingly beautiful way you feel the story in the music, as well as the lyrics,while the is guitar crying out to you. I Love music of this quality. This song is definitely worth listening to, do your self a favor and check it out.
"Live your Life" is another wonderful tune that roped me into this band. I love how the vocals are so honest and open. By providing lyrics that Place a wonderful message into our hearts, Mates of Mine, have written a beautiful song about living. No matter what life has thrown at you, you still have to pick yourself up and LIVE. I love this song. Please go have a listen to this song. It is definitely a smile worthy song.
The last song I will leave you with is "Sitting by the Ocean." This song opens with the sounds of ocean waves crashing into the shore, and echoes of seagulls flying over head. Such a peaceful opening. These sounds of bliss are accompanied with the light strumming of an acoustic guitar. This song speaks of a man reminesing and thinking of a girl he loves. They aren't together for one reason or another, yet she is consumming his thoughts. This song has Outstanding little guitar rips that leave you listening, waiting, wanting to hear more from those strings to call out to your listening pleasure. This really is a wonderful tune. The lrics that Mates of Mine have written in this song paints a very literal picture behind the music. Go check this tune out, you will love it!
Mates of Mine are currently on Myspace Music. If you would like to check out this band and sample their refreshing, honest, lovely sound, please DO! I highly recommend this band for a listen. You can find them at
I love finding refreshing, honest music such as what is provided by Mates of Mine. If you have a liking for this as well, these artists are definitely some to check out. Head on over to their myspace music page and give them a listen! You will not be disappointed. Mates of mine are also on twitter, @matesofmine Go Follow them! Also, check out Mates of Mine on their youtube channel for great videos of more honest music they provide! www.youtube.com/officialmatesofmine
~DeEtta Marie
Mates of Mine are making wonderful pop/folk/acoustic music. Their ablilty to blend sounds and harmonize is very comforting to my ears. I just love their song "The Heart in all that Matters." In this song the lyrics and music deliver the message that you have too see through the superficial layers of people, and look at the true essence of who they are, their heart. The guitar cries its way through this song in such a touchingly beautiful way you feel the story in the music, as well as the lyrics,while the is guitar crying out to you. I Love music of this quality. This song is definitely worth listening to, do your self a favor and check it out.
"Live your Life" is another wonderful tune that roped me into this band. I love how the vocals are so honest and open. By providing lyrics that Place a wonderful message into our hearts, Mates of Mine, have written a beautiful song about living. No matter what life has thrown at you, you still have to pick yourself up and LIVE. I love this song. Please go have a listen to this song. It is definitely a smile worthy song.
The last song I will leave you with is "Sitting by the Ocean." This song opens with the sounds of ocean waves crashing into the shore, and echoes of seagulls flying over head. Such a peaceful opening. These sounds of bliss are accompanied with the light strumming of an acoustic guitar. This song speaks of a man reminesing and thinking of a girl he loves. They aren't together for one reason or another, yet she is consumming his thoughts. This song has Outstanding little guitar rips that leave you listening, waiting, wanting to hear more from those strings to call out to your listening pleasure. This really is a wonderful tune. The lrics that Mates of Mine have written in this song paints a very literal picture behind the music. Go check this tune out, you will love it!
Mates of Mine are currently on Myspace Music. If you would like to check out this band and sample their refreshing, honest, lovely sound, please DO! I highly recommend this band for a listen. You can find them at
I love finding refreshing, honest music such as what is provided by Mates of Mine. If you have a liking for this as well, these artists are definitely some to check out. Head on over to their myspace music page and give them a listen! You will not be disappointed. Mates of mine are also on twitter, @matesofmine Go Follow them! Also, check out Mates of Mine on their youtube channel for great videos of more honest music they provide! www.youtube.com/officialmatesofmine
~DeEtta Marie
Friday, October 16, 2009
John Nathaniel is Rock's New Frontier!
Upon receiving a friend request from yet another musician on myspace, I found this was one of those "clicks" that was definitely worth the effort. John Nathaniel is a Canadian Indie Rock/Pop/Acoustic Artist, residing in Montreal, Quebec. Having recently making the choice to "buy himself out" of his major label deal, John Nathaniel is now cruising down the Indie Rock Road. His "about me" section is written on a personal level, giving you the feeling as though he is speaking the words of who he is directly to you. I love bios like this. Although it is professional to pay someone to write your bio, I love it when Indie artist choose to post a more personal account of themselves as well.
John Nathaniel is a Singer/Song writer/ producer/mixer. His music is full of substance. Layered well with instruments ranging from piano, (his self-claimed favorite instrument) electric guitar, acoustic guitar, tambourine, and drums. I found myself pleasantly surprised by the tunes he provides for our listening pleasure. I will discuss the ones that I believe are the best, as there are many tracks on his myspace music page available for a listen.
I'll start with "Shades Of Gray." In this tune John starts off with a rockin' guitar fast paced tempo building into the song. His voice is tight and raw with a flare of rock. I really dig the flow of this song, the guitar gets me every time! Check it out.
Next, "Crash and Burn" this is just a sample of the song, but its enough for me to like, and want the song. Starting with piano, John sings his way through this love ballad with his raw rock voice in a soft way that matches the beauty of the piano. A minute into the song, intro the drums. Giving off a beat that makes this song reminiscent to One Republics "Apologize." This is a great tune. I enjoyed it, you will too!
Lastly, John Nathaniel has a cover of Colbie Callait's "realize" that is very well performed. I am a fan of Colbie and John has done her justice here. There is a youtube video of this cover available for a view on his music page.
So, have I got you intrigued enough to go give John Nathaniel a listen? If so, please visit his music page on myspace. www.myspace.com/johnnathanielmusic
If, like myself, you like what this artist has to offer, John Nathaniel's first CD "Shades of Grey" is available for purchase at CD Baby, and his second EP "Crash and Burn" is available for down load on itunes. John Nathaniel is also currently recording his third Official EP, so keep your eyes and ears open for that release as well.
Links www.myspace.com/johnnathanielmusic
Link to John Nathaniel's youtube channel www.youtube.com/johnnathanielmusic
John Nathaniel is a Singer/Song writer/ producer/mixer. His music is full of substance. Layered well with instruments ranging from piano, (his self-claimed favorite instrument) electric guitar, acoustic guitar, tambourine, and drums. I found myself pleasantly surprised by the tunes he provides for our listening pleasure. I will discuss the ones that I believe are the best, as there are many tracks on his myspace music page available for a listen.
I'll start with "Shades Of Gray." In this tune John starts off with a rockin' guitar fast paced tempo building into the song. His voice is tight and raw with a flare of rock. I really dig the flow of this song, the guitar gets me every time! Check it out.
Next, "Crash and Burn" this is just a sample of the song, but its enough for me to like, and want the song. Starting with piano, John sings his way through this love ballad with his raw rock voice in a soft way that matches the beauty of the piano. A minute into the song, intro the drums. Giving off a beat that makes this song reminiscent to One Republics "Apologize." This is a great tune. I enjoyed it, you will too!
Lastly, John Nathaniel has a cover of Colbie Callait's "realize" that is very well performed. I am a fan of Colbie and John has done her justice here. There is a youtube video of this cover available for a view on his music page.
So, have I got you intrigued enough to go give John Nathaniel a listen? If so, please visit his music page on myspace. www.myspace.com/johnnathanielmusic
If, like myself, you like what this artist has to offer, John Nathaniel's first CD "Shades of Grey" is available for purchase at CD Baby, and his second EP "Crash and Burn" is available for down load on itunes. John Nathaniel is also currently recording his third Official EP, so keep your eyes and ears open for that release as well.
Links www.myspace.com/johnnathanielmusic
Link to John Nathaniel's youtube channel www.youtube.com/johnnathanielmusic
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Have you heard of Airplanes, formerly known as Ele?
Airplanes is a lovely acoustic/pop/indie group I found on myspace a couple of months ago. This group is made up of a Sarah, on vocals and lyrics, and Sean on guitar and lyrics. Then add the help of a drummer named Kyle, and you have Airplanes.
The bio on their music page talks in a way that makes this band seem very relate able and fun. It's simple, sweet, and to the point. Courtesy of their myspace music page bio, read below.
"About airplanes
hey guys we are now airplanes, some of you may know us as "ele" we just changed our name recently. but no worries along with this new name change will come a new ep and a lot of cool other stuff. The band consists of Sarah and Sean. When we record we get help from a wonderful drummer named Kyle! Currently we are going to be recording 4 songs to add to our 3 songs to make a 7 song ep. We love what we do. Music has done a lot for us and we just want to repay it by making the best music we can make. Music is about people and thats the best part about it. Everyone can relate to some song out there and we hope that a few of you can relate to ours. ummm what else. trying to get some tour dates later on after this ep is done. if you have time follow us on twitter or check us out on itunes. Also remember somebody always loves you and to keep your head up, thats really important. i could never be told that enough =] well stay tuned! some cool stuff is coming up! love -airplanes"
~ www.myspace.com/airplanesacousitc ~
This duo/group only has three tracks to give a listen currently on their music page. However, I would like to point out after only being members of the myspace music community since July 29th 2008, (just about year and a half) these guys have managed to rack up over 8 million plays.
The title of their first tune on their myspace page was the all the attraction it took for me to click and listen. A song called "Flip Flops." The name itself is what peeked my courtesy. "Flip Flops" is a tune that speaks of simple love. Young and free in a time that was a breeze in their life. I love the line "nonverbal communication" Who doesn't completely long for a relationship that contains nonverbal communication? This song is definitely a happy tune, I recommend it for a listen. Especially if you just need a pick me up. The line "why am I crying when I should be smiling?" is enough to make you smile. I love this tune. Its cute and catchy and just consists of a tambourine, acoustic guitar, and pretty vocals. Definitely a fun song that's worth the few minutes it takes to click and listen!
The next song I will tell you about is my favorite by this group. Its entitled "Stars and Moons." This is a fun song about friendship. I listened to this song and immediately thought of my best friend in the entire world, and thought, yep! That is exactly how I feel! I really enjoy this song. Backed by Sean's acoustic guitar, and Sarah's pretty voice, with maybe hints of a shaker? This song is definitely a Great feel good song that can make you reminisce of your best Friend and the reasons you love them! Go listen to this song! www.myspace.com/airplanesacoustic
Airplanes is planning on releasing a 7 song EP sometime in the near future. I know I will be ready to go download it as soon as it is available, as I love music and there is NOTHING better than feel good music. I love this group, you will too! Go check them out and become a fan!
~DeEtta Marie
The bio on their music page talks in a way that makes this band seem very relate able and fun. It's simple, sweet, and to the point. Courtesy of their myspace music page bio, read below.
"About airplanes
hey guys we are now airplanes, some of you may know us as "ele" we just changed our name recently. but no worries along with this new name change will come a new ep and a lot of cool other stuff. The band consists of Sarah and Sean. When we record we get help from a wonderful drummer named Kyle! Currently we are going to be recording 4 songs to add to our 3 songs to make a 7 song ep. We love what we do. Music has done a lot for us and we just want to repay it by making the best music we can make. Music is about people and thats the best part about it. Everyone can relate to some song out there and we hope that a few of you can relate to ours. ummm what else. trying to get some tour dates later on after this ep is done. if you have time follow us on twitter or check us out on itunes. Also remember somebody always loves you and to keep your head up, thats really important. i could never be told that enough =] well stay tuned! some cool stuff is coming up! love -airplanes"
~ www.myspace.com/airplanesacousitc ~
This duo/group only has three tracks to give a listen currently on their music page. However, I would like to point out after only being members of the myspace music community since July 29th 2008, (just about year and a half) these guys have managed to rack up over 8 million plays.
The title of their first tune on their myspace page was the all the attraction it took for me to click and listen. A song called "Flip Flops." The name itself is what peeked my courtesy. "Flip Flops" is a tune that speaks of simple love. Young and free in a time that was a breeze in their life. I love the line "nonverbal communication" Who doesn't completely long for a relationship that contains nonverbal communication? This song is definitely a happy tune, I recommend it for a listen. Especially if you just need a pick me up. The line "why am I crying when I should be smiling?" is enough to make you smile. I love this tune. Its cute and catchy and just consists of a tambourine, acoustic guitar, and pretty vocals. Definitely a fun song that's worth the few minutes it takes to click and listen!
The next song I will tell you about is my favorite by this group. Its entitled "Stars and Moons." This is a fun song about friendship. I listened to this song and immediately thought of my best friend in the entire world, and thought, yep! That is exactly how I feel! I really enjoy this song. Backed by Sean's acoustic guitar, and Sarah's pretty voice, with maybe hints of a shaker? This song is definitely a Great feel good song that can make you reminisce of your best Friend and the reasons you love them! Go listen to this song! www.myspace.com/airplanesacoustic
Airplanes is planning on releasing a 7 song EP sometime in the near future. I know I will be ready to go download it as soon as it is available, as I love music and there is NOTHING better than feel good music. I love this group, you will too! Go check them out and become a fan!
~DeEtta Marie
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bask in the Refreshing sounds of The wonderful Sandi Thom
Sandi Thom is a free spirited, highly loving old soul born to make music. Sandi's sound is one very unique in nature, and stands out above the commercialized crowd of the music industry today. "Sandi Thom grew up in Macduff, a little fishing village on the north-east coast of Scotland. First learning to play the piano by the age of four, Sandi had begun her musical journey. By fourteen Sandi was playing in covers band called The Residents, travelling to bars, weddings and parties. She later went on to study at the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, where she met her tour manager Lizzie Brown, guitarist Marcus Bonfanti, and her percussionist Craig Connet. In the years that followed, Sandi sang in a gospel choir, formed a variety of bands, landed a publishing deal, wrote hundreds of songs, and worked as a session singer – which is how she met her producers Jake Field and Duncan Thompson."
Sandi's first bout of major success stems from her phenomenal song "I wish I was a Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)." This song skyrocketed the charts to number one in the U.K. and went on to be a world wide hit. Backed with simple percussive beats, Sandi's "I wish I was a Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)" sends a very direct message of a worlds view that she doesn't fit into. Reverting back to simpler times, this song depicts how the world makes life more difficult than it needs to be. Her vocals on this track are phenomenal. With just a few percussive beats of maracas, tambourine, hand claps, and a simple bass drum to back her up, Sandi's vocals carry this tune, almost a Capella. Very worthy tune to share with your friends.
Sandi's Song "Ungrateful Heart" opens with an acoustic guitar, a violin, and her outstanding vocals. Sandi sings this tune in a way that touches the heart. This song depicts the very outcome of what can happen if you make rash decisions, when you are hurt. This song tells you to look past the "right now," and look into the "what can be" or future so to speak. This is a song that steams with beauty. This tune is amazingly written and performed, with outstanding strings. Definitely worth a listen.
Sandi's "I'm A Human Being" opens up a bit bigger. With percussion mostly backing her vocals, this song picks up rather quickly. This song is on Sandi's latest album "The Pink and the Lilly". This song gives the idea that the world is huge. We can only do so much as individuals, she loves the world we live in. This song gives off the positive vibe to just embrace the world and our race. This is a fun positive uplifting song. Again Sandi Thom graces us with her delightfully wonderful vocals. This tune is worth the listen. Go check it out!
Sandi Thom currently has 2 albums, as well as many singles out for purchase at www.sandithom.com
Her first album "Smile...It Confuses People" originally released June 6, 2006 contains the wonderfully delightful track "I Wish I was A Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)"
Sandi's most recent release "Pink & the Lilly" released May 26, 2008 provides you with the wonderful tune "I'm a Human Being" as well as many other incredibly Grand songs.
You may sample the wonderful sounds of this artist, as well as view videos of Sandi performing several of her great hits on her myspace music page. Just visit www.myspace.com/sandithom
Sandi's website also offers a "watch and listen" option if you would like to check there as well. I highly recommend all music fans to check this artist out. Sandi's music is definitely worth the time and clicks!
~Background information provided by www.sandithom.com/biography
Sandi's first bout of major success stems from her phenomenal song "I wish I was a Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)." This song skyrocketed the charts to number one in the U.K. and went on to be a world wide hit. Backed with simple percussive beats, Sandi's "I wish I was a Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)" sends a very direct message of a worlds view that she doesn't fit into. Reverting back to simpler times, this song depicts how the world makes life more difficult than it needs to be. Her vocals on this track are phenomenal. With just a few percussive beats of maracas, tambourine, hand claps, and a simple bass drum to back her up, Sandi's vocals carry this tune, almost a Capella. Very worthy tune to share with your friends.
Sandi's Song "Ungrateful Heart" opens with an acoustic guitar, a violin, and her outstanding vocals. Sandi sings this tune in a way that touches the heart. This song depicts the very outcome of what can happen if you make rash decisions, when you are hurt. This song tells you to look past the "right now," and look into the "what can be" or future so to speak. This is a song that steams with beauty. This tune is amazingly written and performed, with outstanding strings. Definitely worth a listen.
Sandi's "I'm A Human Being" opens up a bit bigger. With percussion mostly backing her vocals, this song picks up rather quickly. This song is on Sandi's latest album "The Pink and the Lilly". This song gives the idea that the world is huge. We can only do so much as individuals, she loves the world we live in. This song gives off the positive vibe to just embrace the world and our race. This is a fun positive uplifting song. Again Sandi Thom graces us with her delightfully wonderful vocals. This tune is worth the listen. Go check it out!
Sandi Thom currently has 2 albums, as well as many singles out for purchase at www.sandithom.com
Her first album "Smile...It Confuses People" originally released June 6, 2006 contains the wonderfully delightful track "I Wish I was A Punk Rocker(with flowers in my hair)"
Sandi's most recent release "Pink & the Lilly" released May 26, 2008 provides you with the wonderful tune "I'm a Human Being" as well as many other incredibly Grand songs.
You may sample the wonderful sounds of this artist, as well as view videos of Sandi performing several of her great hits on her myspace music page. Just visit www.myspace.com/sandithom
Sandi's website also offers a "watch and listen" option if you would like to check there as well. I highly recommend all music fans to check this artist out. Sandi's music is definitely worth the time and clicks!
~Background information provided by www.sandithom.com/biography
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Music From Greg Holden
I have delightfully fallen upon the music from a Mr. Greg Holden. Greg is another brilliant British singer/song writer. Greg is currently on tour with the Lovely and Talented Ingrid Michaelson. Making his name in the lights with Ingrid Michaelson, Greg is able to showcase his very honest sound to sold out crowds. The music that is coming from his mind is very gracefully written and performed. I heard just one song from this artist, "Thinking of You" and I was instantly a fan. His lyrics in this song are so honest. There is a vulnerability in the depth of his lyrics meaning that is very attracting to listeners. His soft and delicate voice, paired with his softly strummed acoustic guitar, makes for easy listening music that warms your heart. Greg Holden currently has a self released album "A Word in Edgeways" available for purchase at itunes and CDBaby. Greg also has an EP "Sing for the City" currently available on itunes as well.
If you would like to get to know this artist before you purchase his wonderful music, you can sample his sounds and read more about him on his music page at www.myspace.com/gregholden
Songs I recommend by this artist are "The Art Of Falling" and "Faces" which are available currently for a listen on his myspace. I also highly recommend his song "Thinking of You" which you can hear on the Dreamers Radio Music Monday broadcast from 10-5-09. Listen to their broadcast for music by Greg Holden and Rosi Golan as well.
Listen here
Listen to Dreamers Radio on Blog Talk Radio
If you would like to get to know this artist before you purchase his wonderful music, you can sample his sounds and read more about him on his music page at www.myspace.com/gregholden
Songs I recommend by this artist are "The Art Of Falling" and "Faces" which are available currently for a listen on his myspace. I also highly recommend his song "Thinking of You" which you can hear on the Dreamers Radio Music Monday broadcast from 10-5-09. Listen to their broadcast for music by Greg Holden and Rosi Golan as well.
Listen here
Listen to Dreamers Radio on Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Who is Sam Bradley? Read this to Find out!
I am writing to tell anyone and everyone in Oklahoma, about Sam Bradley. Sam is a British/Canadian Singer/Song writer.
Sam has the ability to light up a stage. His presence alone is very warm and inviting. I know this because I have had the pleasure of meeting him briefly, in Dallas. He took the time to come meet me while we were both attending a show for Marcus Foster and Bobby Long. He came to speak with me just because a friend of mine had flagged him down, mentioned I was a huge fan, and asked him to surprise me with his presence. We had a little conversasion, in which I saw a glimpse at who Sam Bradley is. His heart is as big as his range in genres of music. His voice resonates beauty as he sings. Sam possesses the ability to take any song and make it his own. Two prime examples of this are his "No Diggity" and "Boot Scootin' Boggie" covers. He has an outstanding creative nature one could only dream to acquire. His voice is one that stands alone in the music industry.
I personally love Sam's "Wide Open" the most right now. He does an excellent job of bringing the 60's vibe into today’s music. I Love IT! His "She Moves ME" is so beautiful. Oh to have a man that feels for me the way he sings his way through this song would almost make my life complete. His cover of the Otis Redding song "That’s How Strong My Love is" is truly amazing, his voice is engulfed with such emotion that he favors that song really well. The above three songs mentioned are available for a listen on his myspace page. Go to www.myspace.com/sambradley Have a listen for yourself. His work speaks for itself. I can not find words worthy enough to justifiably describe his music. Do yourself a musical favor and have a listen to Sam Bradley.
Other examples of songs worthy of a listen by Sam Bradley are his "Scared" and "Too Far Gone" Both songs describe love on a level that can't find equilibrium in the world that they exist.
I had the pleasure of seeing Sam perform at Poor David’s Pub in Dallas. He puts on a great show.
My favorite from his set at this show was "Sea Blue" A song he mentioned that he wrote recent to a bad break up. He stated before he started playing it that he "wanted to give himself over to it" and boy did he ever. He has an amazing connection with his music that carries over to the audience. He did a cover of "No Diggity" on acoustic that took me by surprise. I believe it takes a very talented artist to take a hip hop song and make it rock on acoustic guitar! I really would love to see him live again. I want to bring him to Oklahoma! So go have a listen, become a fan and request that he come play Oklahoma on his next touring adventure in the great U.S. of A!
Sam Bradley currently has an EP available for download at his website. Want to smaple his EP before you buy it? Just go visit his myspace music page at www.myspace.com/sambradey to get a taste of what his Amazing EP has to offer. Sam also has other songs available for a listen on his myspace as well, so hear those Brilliant songs while you are there as well. Then, when you become a fan of Sam's music (you will) Just go to www.sambradley.com to download your very own copy of Sam's first official EP.
~DeEtta Marie~
Bobby Long To Play Oklahoma City

Had to share this here as well as my myspace.
Christmas is coming early to all of us Bobby Long Fans in OKlahoma!!!
You do not want to miss this show. Bobby Long is a Brilliant brittish singer/song writer making his way touring through the world right now. We are so lucky to be a stop on his touring map. Come one Come all. Bobby's music is worth it!
“Bobby’s music is freeing. His sound is one of a kind and can always relax one's state of mind. His soulful voice wraps around your spirit giving you a warm, gentle hug, leaving you feeling peaceful and loved. His intimate performance leaves your soul permanently marked by his lyrics. You do not want to miss this event!” ~D. Shelton
THIS IS AN ALL AGES SHOW!!! Come on and lets give Bobby a BIG OKLAHOMA welcome!
When, WHere, and ticket info below.
The Conservatory
8911 N Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
December 7th, 2009
The show starts at 7:30
Ticket page
t h e c o n s e r v a t o r y
Source: www.conservatoryokc.com
Fight The Current are my new Found Musical Firends
Today's blog is about Fight The Current. This is an indie rock band with a sound that is reminiscent to The Goo Goo Dolls. Fight the Current's rock sound is well balanced and easy to listen to. With great guitar abilities, and drum beats that back the rhythm well, their sound never drowns out the vocals which is a very good thing. Their guitars blend well, one never to over power the other. I love that there are several instances in each of their songs Fight the Current provides several solos on the acoustic guitar. I think that's what keeps the sound from becoming too harsh. It is very easy to drown vocals out if you are not careful in your rock sound, Fight the Current does an Amazing job on maintaining their balance through out every song on their myspace.
"So Far From You" is the first song on their play list. This is one of my favorites by this band. The lyrics are phrased just right along the melodies that are carried mostly by the acoustic guitar. The vocals are full of emotion expressing their sorrow without being too whiny. I love the way the drums, acoustic guitar, vocals, and I think what may be a violin, tie together perfectly. I really like this song. The song is about a man that is involved with a woman who is emotionally distant from their relationship. He wants to love her but realizes they are not on the same level when it comes to their love. Definitely worth a listen.
"Breaking out" Starts off with the acoustic guitar carrying the melodic line. Then nonchalantly enters the vocals and drums. All tying together very well. Nothing is too heavy. All sounds are very well balanced. Again, the vocals are sweet and rich with the emotion the lyrics are holding. This song is about getting over a heartache that has held you back in life, moving past it and actually choosing to live your life. Great Song!
"I Know" This tune opens with guitar, drums, and vocals. Again, all tying together well, balancing the sound enough to not be over powering. The lyrics describes a girl that doesn't need materialistic things to keep her happy. The love that she and her man share is enough for her to remain happy. This is what keeps their relationship grounded and the singer loves that about his girl his lyrics are portraying. Another wonderful song.
If you have not heard of Fight The Current, I am hoping this blog will help you with getting to know their sound. Their music is what I like to call "feel good" music. Definitely worth adding to your "driving" play list as I feel this is Great driving music. Go check out Fight The Current and decide for yourself! Listen to them on myspace music here www.myspace.com/wearefightthecurrent
"So Far From You" is the first song on their play list. This is one of my favorites by this band. The lyrics are phrased just right along the melodies that are carried mostly by the acoustic guitar. The vocals are full of emotion expressing their sorrow without being too whiny. I love the way the drums, acoustic guitar, vocals, and I think what may be a violin, tie together perfectly. I really like this song. The song is about a man that is involved with a woman who is emotionally distant from their relationship. He wants to love her but realizes they are not on the same level when it comes to their love. Definitely worth a listen.
"Breaking out" Starts off with the acoustic guitar carrying the melodic line. Then nonchalantly enters the vocals and drums. All tying together very well. Nothing is too heavy. All sounds are very well balanced. Again, the vocals are sweet and rich with the emotion the lyrics are holding. This song is about getting over a heartache that has held you back in life, moving past it and actually choosing to live your life. Great Song!
"I Know" This tune opens with guitar, drums, and vocals. Again, all tying together well, balancing the sound enough to not be over powering. The lyrics describes a girl that doesn't need materialistic things to keep her happy. The love that she and her man share is enough for her to remain happy. This is what keeps their relationship grounded and the singer loves that about his girl his lyrics are portraying. Another wonderful song.
If you have not heard of Fight The Current, I am hoping this blog will help you with getting to know their sound. Their music is what I like to call "feel good" music. Definitely worth adding to your "driving" play list as I feel this is Great driving music. Go check out Fight The Current and decide for yourself! Listen to them on myspace music here www.myspace.com/wearefightthecurrent
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