Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flyleaf Unite and Fight 2010 tour.

I am a major fan of Flyleaf music. Flyleaf is a hard rock band. Members are: Lacey on vocals, Sameer Bhattacharya and Jared Hartmann on guitar, Pat Seals on bass, and James Culpepper on drums. Their song "I'm so sick" lead me to their fan path many years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. I love the writing, as all their songs are full of meaningful, healing, lyrics. Every song by flyleaf strikes a chord within me. Tonight, when they made their OKC stop, was the first time I had seen/heard them live. I loved every minute of this show. The guitarists are firecrackers. So lively on that stage, you feel every strum of every chord, in every song. I've never seen a bass man come alive in a show, the way that Pat did tonight. This is saying a lot, as I've been to my fair share of rock concerts. That is what Flyleaf did tonight, they rocked the house. Not only did they rock the house, but they rocked my soul. So much so I felt every second of the show as if I were on the stage with them, tearing away at each song. Lacey is a sweetheart, and boy does she have a giant voice. She is a tiny lady, but her heart is so full of giant, size becomes obsolete. Lacey said some beautiful things to us in the crowd, in between songs that reached me on a very personal level. I needed to hear what she was saying. I needed to be reminded, to just be me, and that I am enough. No matter where I am or what I do in life. Being me is enough. She also spoke of an organization called World Vision. The Unite and Fight tour is working with World Vision to try and stop human trafficing of children. It's a brillant cause and if you'd like to help with pulling a young girl from the hells of human trafficing, you can do so by texting UNITE to 20222. This sends a $10 donation and you can text it up to 3 times.

I had an amazing time hearing my favorite rock band, live for the first time tonight. Flyleaf never ceases to amaze me. I only hope that there are more oppurtunities to see their live show. It is amazing. If flyleaf is playing near you, I strongly suggest you go. You will not be disappointed in their performance. Such amazing talent resides in these minds, vocal chords, and hands. I was blown away, and moved, and healed a bit from their performance tonight. I am a firm believer that music is the best of all medicines. Tonight, flyleaf was my medicine and tonight, they were my bandaid. Go. Watch. Listen. Love. all that is flyleaf.
For your listening pleasure I've attached two of my favorite flyleaf songs. Enjoy. Also, make sure you head on over and visit flyleaf's website. Also,snatch up their newest album Momento Mori. It's amazing and it is available in stores and online download. Go get yours today! : )

Monday, September 13, 2010

David Ford - I'm Alright Now

Don't you just love it, when you find a song that just fits right into your life? A friend told me of this artist, and I fell in love with his sound. I do not know how it took me so long to find David Ford, but my soul is thankful that I finally did. Here is my favorite song by this artist. Listen to this song. Feel it, in all it's emotion. Soak it up, breath it in. You will feel better once you have. I know I did. I can't stop listening to it. Listen, Love, and Enjoy.

Love Love Love
DeEtta Marie x

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kris Buckle's song #2 is up! Have you listened yet? Listen to "Make your move" The opening guitar chords on this one are absolutely beautiful. Reminds me of waking up first thing in the morning, and looking over to a beloved person still sleeping next to you. This song makes for a path to say goodbye to the terrors that yesterday may have left you with, and looking into hope of making today a better one. Oh, those are beautiful days. Go listen, and love.

Love Love love
DeEtta Marie x