First off, I would like to start out by saying that I am in no way
affiliated with Marcus Foster or his camp. This is my personal opinion/ review of Marcus Foster's music that I wish to share with the public. I am just a fan that loves his music and would love to build a
fan base in Oklahoma big enough that will convince him to play a show here in Oklahoma City where I currently reside. The above picture is one that I took Myself, with my
Fujifilm Finepix J20 at his Poor David's Pub performance in Dallas,
If you have a true appreciation of music, and love all sounds, Marcus Foster is your man! This British native has managed to blow me away with both his unplugged sound, and eccentric styles in music. He has a voice that, in my opinion, could Rule the music Industry. From my wide range in taste and personal experience in hearing his music, I can tell you, Marcus Foster's work has the ability to reach audiences of many tastes. I believe, Marcus's passionately written lyrics, soulful voice, and extraordinary guitar plucking ability can and will prove to be timeless and carry on through the years, much like The Beatles, Van Morrison, and Jackson Browne. He has a classically elegant poetic way of writing so that his lyrics can reach people on a very intimate level. His voice behind those lyrics mimics the very emotion his words evoke as he sings them beautifully. Marcus Foster has been blessed with an impossibly great talent. His guitar playing skills have the ability to make you fall into a deep passionate desire for the sound of the acoustic
instrument. Marcus can "pick and pluck" his way up, down, and sideways on his acoustic guitar, leaving you to feel mesmerized and entranced by his beautiful notes from his guitar strings. His front guitar tapping adds for a bass effect that connects the beat of his work to his soul this music is pouring out from. If you haven't heard of Marcus Foster yet, I am telling you. Currently, Marcus has an
EP available on
itunes. Head over to his
http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Li4ubXlzcGFjZS5jb20vbWFyY3VzZm9zdGVyfoster (after you are done reading this
of course) Have a listen. WHEN you become a fan, go straight to
itunes and buy his
"Make It Easy" is one of my favorite Marcus Foster songs, which isn't on his EP, but it is on his myspace. This song is absolutely worth the time to go and listen to it!
His EP includes 6 musically refreshing tracks. The timeless pieces of musical art on Marcus Foster's EP are:
First up is "I Don't Mind" With a great bass line underlying his acoustic guitar strings, mixed with a bit of tambourine, this song depicts the very bond all relationships should have. One that is accepting of failures and/or successes in life's achievements/losses, he sings of loving in a way that en captures all of it.
Next we have "Fourteen Times." This acoustic number is soft and melodic. Marcus's vocals on this track are saturated with a longing for an ending in which his lyrics are searching in the meaning behind this song's emotions. Although I am not clear on the significance of the number fourteen, (I would love to get the chance to ask him personally just what the significance is) as a listener you will find your own meaning behind it. The lyrics leave a bit of a mystery for the listener to muster their own interpretation of it. Beautiful song.
"Kiss is a knife" is the next song on the EP. This song has a collection of Marcus's eclectic sounds. Upbeat in tempo, this song weaves an electric blanket that jolts your system as you listen. One of a kind song, that has a tendency to be negative in nature, still you are dancing and singing along as it is a very catchy tune.
This brings us to "You My Love." Another acoustic number with just hints of violin, harmonica, and what I believe may be a recorder. This tune provides a beautiful relaxing melodic line that comforts my soul. This is another song that is written rich in poetic lyrics that leaves you wanting to be the very object of affection in which he is singing. The opening lines are "The sun falls down like the memory of a sore, turn everything from gold into grey. There's a light that still finds your face, carrying old dust and shadows a name." My favorite line however is from the chorus, "It's you my love, So kind are your eyes I see them in the darkest skies, if it's true my love I've got to steal away, I love you til my dying day." Definitely my favorite song on Marcus's EP.
"Same Old Dance" is next on the list. In this song Marcus saturates every syllable with an intensity, that you can't help but feel every emotion his lyrics are representing. I interpret this as a song about a lady of the streets that takes up men just so she can pretend she isn't alone in the world. He writes the lyrics so carefully it's almost like he is singing of someone he knows personally. Such a sadness resides in this tune, your heart bleeds for the girl he is singing for.
Last on the EP is the tune "Waywayway." An eccentric tune with a rich jazz trumpet/bugle, bouncing bass, hand clapping, marrocas, and of course Marcus and his acoustic guitar. (and possibly a tuba?) This is a tune that has a fun jazzy tempo to move to. I love the bass line as it nonchalantly ascends and descends in chords. Marcus extends his voice to a wide variety of range towards the end of the song that brings a smile to my face. I really enjoy this tune!
OK, so Next time you are just surfing the web, or have some down time, take a few minutes and go Listen to Marcus Foster on
myspace. Do it now, (after you are done reading my blog/review
of course) just click here!
www.myspace.com/marcusfoster You will not be disappointed!Marcus Foster just recently wrapped a tour in the U.S. and will be back in December. I want to bring him to Oklahoma, go, have a listen, become a fan, then ask for an Oklahoma show. I have seen him live and he is an adorably cute, funny, and just an all around entertaining singer/songwriter.Go Get to
Know Marcus Foster, It WILL BE WORTH IT!~
DeEtta Marie~ ~