I have mentioned before, now I must say it again. Marcus Foster has an impossibly brilliant talent of playing the guitar that is very empowering to one's well being, and equivalent to the air we breath. We just have to have it. Marcus Foster's voice holds the potential to make you want to cry, while a smile remains on your face. His emotion saturated soulful voice is so beautiful in "Tumbledown" that the first time I listened to it, a few tears fell from my eyes. All while still smiling. I think this happened mostly in part because Marcus' voice is beyond beautiful. That kind of beauty in an artist just doesn't present itself enough in this world of music in which I find myself basking in. And partly because the lyrics are speaking to my heart. This song makes me think of my boys. How they view the world and people now, at their young ages of just 6 and 8. They see the beauty in Everyone. They do not see faults. They are open and loving and I love that about them. They are unaware of the worlds malicious tendencies. This song reminds me of how much I want to keep their views this way, and at the same time it makes me realize that there will come a time where their "flawless and unscathed" world views may change. If they were to really open their precious little eyes and look at the world, and all its malicious tendencies as well as the world's beauties, their world would shatter around them by the sheer shock of it all. This may then cause their hearts to shrink a bit. These thoughts scare me. Marcus Foster has managed to portray this message behind glorious lyrics spoken straight from the old soul that resides within himself. "Tumbledown" is a prime example of what music truly is supposed to be. The best song EVER written hands down. (heads up my fav band of all time, The Beatles, Marcus is giving you a run for your money!) If you have not heard Marcus Foster's "Tumbledown" go straight to www.myspace.com/marcusfoster and listen! Do not wait to do this "another time" as he could take it down at any time, and you must MUST listen to his LIVE version of the song that is currently up on his myspace. Then go ahead and have a listen to the rest of Marcus Foster's timeless works of art, that of which we call Music. His soulful voice is raw with emotion and his guitar strumming adds to the affective raw nature that caresses your soul as you listen to "Tumbledown", "Fourteen Times", "Same Old Dance" as well. If you need a soul cleansing, caressing session, go listen to Marcus Foster and get lost in his sound. You will not want to find your way out. Go to www.myspace.com/marcusfoster , Listen, and enjoy. : )
~DeEtta Marie
Tumble Down is on Marcus' live CD which will be available at his concerts during his 3-week December tour. (Hopefully he'll post concert dates on his myspace page in early October.) Tumble Down has been my favorite song hands-down since I heard it in April, and I expect it will still be my favorite song in 10 years, 20 years.... The only other competition imaginable would have to come from Marcus himself: he's just a genius songwriter.
ReplyDelete- virginiamom1
He is genious I agree. Best SONG EVER WRITTEN in my opinion. Thanks for sharing this info. I have to get my hands on his Live Album. Im keeping fingers crossed for a show near me :)