Friday, October 1, 2010

Andrew Sloman's "Political Minds"

Check out the latest video by Andrew Sloman. Such a bold statement. I love songs that make bold statements, and artists willing to make them. Give this song a listen. Andrew has crossed the pond and is in our beautiful country right now. Watch out for news of his album release party, in LA October the 14th. IF in LA and interested in attending contact the artist himself. Grab at this incredible oppurtunity if you can!

Enjoy Political Minds? Be sure to listen to all Andrew Sloman's videos on his youtube channel while you are here. Then, head on over to Andrew's myspace and Face book to hear more amazing songs from this artist.!/pages/Andrew-Sloman/113251932033535?ref=ts Like him on facebook while you are there!


  1. Cool song...

    I hope people would finally wake up and understand that we, the people, are the government. Unfortunately, no matter how we (people) use our power (vote), politicians will always be blinded by the real power (money) that put them in their offices in the first place.

    Change is impossible. The only hope is when we understand and take control of our emotions, and be responsible for our actions.

  2. Thank you for your Wonderful comment! I could not have said it better or more eloquently! Thanks for reading (and listening). x : )

  3. Don't mention it!

    I wish I can tell you what I think is going on in our country today; but you can just imagine it.

    But, at least, it is good to know that I am not the only one who thinks that our "American Values" is going to be extinct.

    It is our fault. ...
